
Improving Detection of
Early Lung Cancer in a
Diverse Population

Lung cancer continues to be the most diagnosed cancer and the leading cause of cancer deaths globally.
Low-dose computed tomography (LDCT)
screening has demonstrated 20-30% of lung cancer mortality reduction,
mainly through lung cancer diagnosis at early stages when the prognosis is more favorable.

Ideal Graphic
About Us

About Us

IDEAL (Improving Detection of Early Lung cancer in a diverse population) study is a research program focused on incidental pulmonary nodules and lung cancer early detection. It is a multi-province program in British Columbia, Ontario, and Quebec, with the goal to develop innovative tools to enable lung cancer early detection through non- or minimally invasive approaches such as breath and blood tests.

Project Partners

Project Partners

Our Missions


Lung Health

Our overall goal is to improve lung health among those who have pulmonary nodules and those who are at high risk of developing lung cancer


Early Detection

Lung cancer survival can be substantially improved if detected in early stages. Our study is focused on developing novel tools that can help to identify people at high risk of lung cancer, and differentiate malignant from benign nodules.



Our goal is to improve lung health in a diverse population. We are enrolling patients with incidental pulmonary nodules, including those who might not fit the regular lung cancer screening criteria, and those who might not have regular access to the health care system.


AI Utilization

While your nodules will be followed up per standard clinical guidelines by the team physicians, the research data will help us to assess how artificial intelligence can be leveraged to increase the process efficiency.

CCS Logo

This study is supported by the Canadian Cancer Society

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